
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Veggie Crisper: Using Stuff Up from Rabbit’s Garden

Radishes? Try Beef & Radish Stew: Cabbage? Try Cabbage Hash Browns:

The Bakery: Peach Muffins and Natural-ness

Image Tigger brought over a bunch of fresh peaches from her peach trees that are finally producing, so I needed a recipe that would use a lot of peaches. And this recipe made a nice start with a dent 2 cups wide.  🍑 😋  After Roo demanded an early bedtime (yes!), I chopped some peaches, got out the other muffin ingredients, started preheating the oven, switched Ruby’s laundry over to the dryer, carried Eeyore’s laundry to her room, folded it, set it on the chair for her aide to put away in the morning, and then found myself enmeshed in surprisingly-pleasant and seemingly-profitable conversation. 🧺  By the time I got back to the kitchen, the oven was quite hot - so I turned it off and let it cool a bit while I mixed the other  ingredients together. Then I set the oven for less than the designated time and, well - pulled  the muffins out too soon. But hey, the toothpick had come out clean! And we do use who...